Tomorrow is our town's anniversary celebration. Some of the day's events include a car show, special events and games for children, a variety of vendors hawking their goods, and a special dinner at the fire house. It's usually a great day with tons of fun and wonderful opportunities to meet new folks in town.
Last year, New Beginnings participated by setting up a booth where we provided free, home baked cookies along with pens and literature about our church. We also had prayer cards made up and a little box where folks walking by could submit a prayer request or pray with one of us on the spot.
We'll be doing the same thing tomorrow. Please pray for us as we interact with families and individuals from our community. Our hope is simply to have a "witness and ministry of presence" before our community at events like these. We believe so much in the power of prayer that we want to share this opportunity with our neighbors. One study conducted a few years ago showed that 89% of adults believed that there is a personal God who hears and answers their prayers. I think it is pretty clear that people are searching for answers and looking for security in our culture. As Christians, we have the answer and the channel of communication with our Creator.
Deuteronomy 4:7 says, "What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him?" God hears the prayers of His people.
How is your prayer life going? How effective do you think it is to share the gift of prayer with others?
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