Today about thirty people from our church joined with hundreds from our community to celebrate our nation's birthday. A few months ago, several of us got together and decided to enter a float in the Wenonah Fourth of July Parade (Wenonah, New Jersey). Part of our purpose was to continue being an active presence in our community for the glory of God. We also wanted to strategically promote our upcoming VBS outreach by putting a personal invitation into the hands of local children. It was a terrific way to continue building relationships with others from our town. This was really the first intentional, large-scale outreach that we've done outside of Woodbury Heights as well.
I have to admit that I had very little to do with the actual construction of the float and gift bags. A special thanks goes out to our ministry intern, Tim Nessler, and a group of about 15 people who devoted several hours of planning and preparing the float and 500 gift bags which included an invitation to VBS, a flyer about our church, a tract, and candy. Great work, gang!
This just in from the local news desk: New Beginnings took 1st place in the float category! Praise the Lord! Way to go, everyone!
Here are some pictures of from this morning...

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