Ephesians 3:20-21
What a week. Just last Sunday morning the sanctuary looked like this...
I remember what it looked like just a few years ago when Laurie and I first came to New Beginnings. We had about 40 chairs set up for worship in that area. Over the first two years we had to place three orders for additional chairs. In the picture above you see about 90 chairs set up for worship. It's hard to tell from the picture, but people walk right into chairs as they come in the room and there is an aisle of about 30 inches that EVERYONE has to use...it's been pretty crazy.
By the grace of God, we've been able to expand into the whole first floor and just this past week we renovated the entire sanctuary. The only thing left to do is lay the carpet! Here is the story of the past week in pictures. God is truly awesome. We are now going to have about 115 chairs set out for worship with the capability of even more. Let's pray for every chair to be filled by the end of this year!
Yesterday, about 30 people turned out to clean up all the mess and get things ready for today's worship service. Sure, there are a few finishing touches that we have left to do. But, the bulk of the major work is behind us! We joined together in worship today in our brand new sanctuary...
Yes, that was all done in one week! God has blessed our church with so many gifted and dedicated individuals! Thank you for all the prayers and hard work. Lord willing, we will have carpet installed this week. If you are nearby, we'd love to have you visit.
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